Googler Benson Leung has a new ally in his fight against bad Type-C cables on Amazon, and it's none other than Amazon itself. Leung reports that Amazon has added a new line to its prohibited listing guidelines that bans cables that aren't completely compliant with the Type-C specification. It's not the end of the fight, but the tide may have turned in our favor.

The new text under prohibited items reads as follows.

Any USB-C™ (or USB Type-C™) cable or adapter product that is not compliant with standard specifications issued by "USB Implementers Forum Inc.

Leung is internet-famous for testing and reviewing Type-C cables on Amazon, making it clear which ones are safe to use with devices like the Nexus 6P, 5X, and Pixel C. Many of the cables on sale via Amazon have the wrong resistor, which can cause the cable to draw too much power and damage your ports. Leung also found a cable so bad a while back that it fried his Chromebook Pixel.

Now that non-compliant cables are banned, anything found to be offending will be pulled. Someone still has to actually notice the cables aren't in-spec, though. Hopefully we'll get the hero we need.