Snapchat isn't merely an app you open up to take photos that will probably get you in trouble someday. It's also a place to have conversations that you will ultimately regret. But at least with version 9.27, you're likely to enjoy that conversation more than you would before.

The latest version of the instant messenger known for auto-deleting things introduces Chat 2.0, which is a redesign that takes the pre-existing experience and makes it more spiffy. The core change is an emphasis on being able to move quickly between typing, talking using your voice, or interacting on video.

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You don't need to already be in a chat with someone to start a voice or video call, and you can leave a short message (either as an audio recording a GIF-like video one) for the recipient to see when they return to the app. You can also leave a photo in the middle of a conversation, whether you're communicating via text or speaking out loud.

The other main addition is what Snapchat calls Auto-Advance Stories. Stories, for less regular Snapchat users, are a personal stream of photos and videos that last for a limited time. Now when you finish one, the next one begins automatically.

What's New:

  • Improved Chat
    Redesigned with fun new ways to talk with your friends!
  • Auto-Advance Stories
    The fastest way to catch up with your friends — simply swipe to skip ahead, or pull down to exit.

The update is available now from Google Play. And don't worry, if you don't grab it right away, you won't miss it.