A good review can make all the difference when deciding on an app. But a review is only as good as it is relevant, so Amazon is tweaking the way the Appstore displays them.

The Appstore will start showing reviews that are specific to your device and version number. This replaces the previous practice of showing the critique with the most votes. A well-reworded and popular commentary doesn't help if a major update has changed everything.

The old option isn't going away. Amazon users will continue to have the choice to display reviews by "helpfulness." There are also the options to show newest first or list according to the number of stars.

Speaking of which, Amazon purports to have improved the algorithm that determines an app's rating. A new machine-learned model looks at a review's age, the number of votes, and ties to verified purchases.

Amazon's Appstore enhancements are already live, so you may notice them as you hunt for free apps.