LG took a lot of heat (deservedly) for its decision to remove the app drawer from its stock launcher on the G5. It eventually showed off a different version of the home screen in its recent UX 5.0 video. That one had an optional app drawer, and now that version (named Home 4.0) is available for download.

You can get LG Home 4.0 from SmartWorld, which is LG's massively underutilized app repository. I would venture to say this is the only time you'll open the SmartWorld app on purpose. Just search for "Home 4.0" or use this link on your G5 to get there. We also have the app on APK Mirror. After installing, you'll have a new launcher called Home 4.0. This is what was shown in the video, but the name is different.

Home 4.0 looks more or less like the stock launcher on past LG phones like the G4. I suppose it's "Home 4.0" because this is the old version. There's an app drawer, and it includes the Holo-style widget tab. Making this a separate app rather than updating the stock launcher with an optional drawer seems like a weird choice. Very, very few people will seek this out. They're more likely to download something like Nova or Action Launcher than they are to get LG's alternative home screen.