The factory images are up–some of them–so it's time to take a peek under the covers to discover any changes made to the Android Open Source Project for April's security updates. To make this a bit easier, we've generated changelogs based on the commit history that was just posted to AOSP last night.

As you might expect, the majority of the changes are going to be related to the issues set forth in the April Security Bulletin. A few others appear to be relatively small bug fixes, but nothing jumps out at me as a change that will directly affect user experience or any particularly noticeable bugs. As a reminder, these changelogs only represent code publicly committed to AOSP, and not the changes made to proprietary hardware blobs or other parts of the firmware that can also impact performance and stability.

Shortly after posting the factory images yesterday, Google pulled down the MOB30D builds meant for the Nexus Player and Wi-Fi variants of the Nexus 9 and 7. The tag for those builds has not been pushed to AOSP yet. Combined with the changelog for the Pixel C, it's obvious there will be more changelogs joining this list over the next few hours or days, so check back if you're interested in looking through one of those, this post will be updated as they are added.